Well, this is our 4th day in Nome, and life here is great so far! This blog is going to be about prices in Nome. WOW... I like going to the grocery store just to be amazed by the prices. Living here makes me really appreciate prices at home! I know I have some coupon loving friends out there and I know my mom has more, so if yall have ANY extra manufacturers' coupons...our grocery store takes them! :) We would appreciate all the help we can get. Here are some pictures of the things that really stood out to me at the store...
$4.19 for a carton of eggs!
We bought the medium grade from $2.49 I think.
$6.69 for orange juice.
They had a deal 2 for $8.00 on the off brand so we did that!
$5.79 for Cheez-Its....
Needless to say, we didn't buy any.
$4.49 for off-brand peanuts!
Wesley wanted these really bad, but we didn't get them.
$5.79 for a bag of Ruffles...and this was the
small one!
$5.09 for a pack of Oscar Meyer hotdogs!
Our address is: Wesley and Madison Crow
PO Box 1996
Nome, AK 99762
Till Next Time,
Wesley an Maddie
I can't believe those prices! Soft drinks would be a no no....water a maybe and juice a luxury! Dad is already getting coupons together! Hope you don't starve!