Wesley and I have been so busy these past few days, I have been too tired to blog! (sorry) Anyway, I'll make up for it today with a GREAT post for yall!
There is a thrift store in town, so Wesley and I thought we would check it out. We walked down to the United Methodist Church and went in to the trailer-like thrift store. It was packed! People were grabbing stuff off the shelves like crazy, but nothing had price tags! It turns out, they had different prices for different bags and it was pretty much everything you could shove in the bag for a certain price. We bought the $6 bag and filled it with 2 pairs of winter boots, 2 sweaters, a crockpot, a knife set, and a board game. (you know me and my games!) We will definately be back!
Ever heard of craigslist? Well, Nome has a thing called "Nome Announce", which is kinda like craigslist, that is specific just for the people of Nome. We search it every day since we were actively looking for an apt and a mode of transportation. Everything is SO pricey here, so finding something at a good price is hard. We found a 4 wheeler for sale for a great price, so we jumped on it! We walked to the seller's house and drove home! :) Wesley test drove the 4 wheeler, and we are still learning how to shift gears appropriately. It is a 1994 Suzuki Quadrunner in faded red with a ducktaped bumper...perfect! Yes, we argue over who drives and I win most of the time! :) The guy we bought it from is a mechanic, so he said if anything ever went wrong with it just to let him know! We are starting to make some connections here and it feels great!
Since we finally got some wheels, we were finally able to go to one of the better fishing spots! Wesley swore this was going to be the spot for him to catch the motherload. I made a bet with him that if he caught a fish, he got to drive home. About an hour later, I was driving us back to the apartment to eat our chicken dinner.
Here, you can drive 4 wheelers everywhere except 3 streets (the main ones). You can even drive on the beach, so Wesley and I did just that! We took an awesome joyride on the beach, but we soon stopped for our daily sea glass collection. I don't think this hobby will ever get old! Speaking of sea glass, we had another great day at the beach! Our thermometer spazzed out again and lied to us... 110 degrees is a little unbelievable! This was yesterday (Sunday), so we decided to try out the United Methodist Church in town. It was...different. haha Simple and sweet, I guess. After church, we went back to the apartment, changed into t-shirts, and hopped on our 4 wheeler. We went down to the beach and went searching for sea glass...we sure are getting alot! We want to save it all up and make a backsplash for our kitchen we will one day build! :) After searching for quite some time, we trekked up the beach to the rocks and found a great spot to just relax and watch the incredible Bering Sea! It was such a beautiful day that there were gold dredges out in the water and even commercial fishermen!
Today was our first day at work, and it went great! (Aside from the fact that my new name badge looks like I have a right sided stroke and Wesley's looks like he is wearing bright pink lipstick) All we did today was orientation stuff like filling out forms and getting tours, but we had a great time! We will be working night shift, but we are on days for this week and then next week we switch to nights. They do things a lot differently at this hospital and it is so small, but I think we are really going to like it here! Our boss has an apartment at her house... I think it is like a basement apartment, and it is available! We are coming over next week to look at it, and it is going to be a really good opportunity if we are able to rent it.
Till Next Time,
Wesley and Maddie
Loving all y'alls blogs.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. I'm glad you are having fun and I like the 4 wheeler.
ReplyDeleteEnjoying the blog. So fun to be connected to somewhere so interesting!
ReplyDeleteKeep 'em coming.
Hey guys, glad you are excited about your new jobs. Hope the apartment find works out, it sounds like a good opportunity. Love to you both!
ReplyDeleteDid you get the apartment?