Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

I was supposed to write this blog yesterday, but we just moved and didn't get the internet up in time. It's better late than never...

Friends come and go. I've had tons of friends in my past, friends that you swore would be friends forever, but life happens and people grow apart. New opportunites bring new friends, and it's a never ending cycle.
Yesterday, 22 years ago, God created one of the most special people in my life, and I'm sure many other lives in this world. It is true that friends come and go whether we want to believe it, like it, or not, but the good thing about family is that it is always there, never falters. Jennifer Lauren Kirk holds many roles in my life...friend, cousin, sister, mentor, maid of honor, and I'm sure many more. No one quiet understands me the way Jennifer does, not even Wesley. It's good to have someone in your life like that. Jennifer understands what I mean before I even say it. We run things by eachother before doing anything...even if I've already made my mind up, I still feel this need to ask Jenn. It's because she is a part of me, and I, a part of her. No two people are alike, but in our case, we are more alike than not. Jennifer has been there with me through thick and thin. Most of our times are high times though. If I ever need a laugh, I just think of Jenn, or look at some of our pictures together!
Things haven't always been this great though. When we were little I despised Jennifer. She was that younger, annoying cousin who wouldn't leave me alone! She said one time at school I pretended I didn't know her! I have no idea what was going through my mind at the time, except I must not have wanted to smudge my 'Elementary School Image'! Jenn, I'm sorry! haha
It wasn't until about the 8th grade that Jenn and I really started to talk even. Then, Jennifer went to Saint Bernard with me and things were history, I suppose. That school did a lot of things for me, but one of the most special things was bringing me closer to Jenn. Jenn moved in with me about the 11th grade I guess when her house was being renovated. See, God puts these opportunities in your life because he already knew that Jenn and I were going to be best friends. It's not the same just to be someone's cousin. Jenn is my best friend, but it is the tie of family that keeps us together and will keep us together for life. No matter how far away I move (ALASKA) or how sucessful Jenn becomes, we still have that common denominator. Leaving Jennifer to move to Alaska was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
Wrapping this up, Jenn is the person I vent to, the person I party with, the person I strive to be, because without her I am just me... I wouldn't want to be anyone else but Jennifer Lauren Kirk's cousin and most importantly, best friend. Happy 22nd Birthday Jenn!!!

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